Student Awards
Student Research Awards:
The SCO-SOC administers 4 student research awards:
Applicants must be SCO-SOC members to be eligible (Note: Membership is based on the calendar year so will expire on December 31st of the year in which you register, while registration after October 1st will be valid through December 31st of the following year. Multi-year memberships will be treated similarly, expiring on December 31st of the last year for which you register.)
A single application can be made to apply for all student research awards. Download the application form for the 2025 awards.
Application deadline is 1 March 2025
Applications for student research awards should be emailed to:
Dr. Sarah Gutowsky
Chair, SCO-SOC Student Awards Committee
E-mail: sarahegutowsky@gmail.com
Taverner Awards are offered by the SCO-SOC to honour Percy A. Taverner and to further his accomplishments in increasing the knowledge of Canadian birds through research, conservation, and public education. The awards are aimed at people with limited or no access to major funding, regardless of professional status, who are undertaking ornithological work in Canada. Two awards of up to $2,000 each are made annually.
The Avian Conservation Award (previously the James L. Baillie Student Research Award) is open to any student undertaking ornithological research that will make a substantial contribution towards the conservation of birds in Canada. Funds are granted for student stipend, research or travel costs associated with the project. The award is funded with revenue generated by participants of Birds Canada’s Birdathon and is administered by SCO-SOC. A single award of up to $2000 is made annually.
The Fred Cooke Award is offered jointly by Birds Canada and administered by SCO-SOC to honour the contributions of Professor Fred Cooke to Canadian ornithology by supporting ornithological conference travel or research activities by a student conducting research on birds that occur in Canada. The Award shall be for travel to ornithological conferences at which the student will make an oral or poster presentation, or research activities related to their project. A single award of up to $1000 is made annually.
The SCO-SOC is committed to removing barriers and promoting diversity and inclusion within the ornithology community in Canada. The Student Discovery Award is offered to students who self-identify as being from equity-denied groups, including but not limited to: visible minorities (e.g., Black, Indigenous, and/or members of other racialized groups), minority sexual orientations or gender identities (e.g., 2SLGBTQIA+), and individuals with disabilities. You do not need to disclose which equity-seeking group(s) you belong to during the application, but you are welcome to do so if you wish. Awards may be used for professional development, conference travel or research. Download the terms of reference for the Student Discovery Award .
Student Presentation Awards:
Student Presentation Awards are awarded each year at our annual conference for outstanding oral and poster presentations. To be considered for these awards, student presenters must be current members of SCO-SOC and conducting research on any topic in ornithology. Students wishing to be considered for presentations awards should indicate their interest when they submit their abstracts for the conference scientific sessions. Click here for information about this year’s annual conference.
Presentation Award categories are outstanding oral presentation by a graduate student (2 awards), outstanding poster presentation by a graduate student (2 awards), and outstanding presentation (oral or poster) by an undergraduate student (1 award). Each prize is an honorarium of $300 (CND). Students competing for presentation awards should be presenting complete works, not proposals.
Presentation Award categories are outstanding oral presentation by a graduate student (2 awards), outstanding poster presentation by a graduate student (2 awards), and outstanding presentation (oral or poster) by an undergraduate student (1 award). Each prize is an honorarium of $300 (CND). Students competing for presentation awards should be presenting complete works, not proposals.
Taverner Awards
2024 - Nelsy Niño and Alysha Riquier
2023 - Sarah Mueller and Taylor Brown
2022 - Sarah Dobney and Camille Rondeau Saint-Jean
2021 - Kiirsti Owen and Ryan Leys
2020 - Sereena Moore and Hayley Wilson
2019 - Brandon Edwards and Andrew Cook
2018 - Andrew Beauchamp and Sonya Pastran
2017 - Amélie Roberto-Charron and Devin de Zwaan
2016 - Brad Woodworth and Nikole Freeman
2015 - Tosha Kelly and Joel Slade
2014 - Laura Schoenle and Krista Roessingh
2013 - Rachael Derybshire and David Toews
2012 - Elizabeth Gow and Magali Petit
2011 - Vanya Rohwer and Ryan Germain
2010 - Greg Mitchell and Ann McKellar
2009 - Morgan Gilmour and Melanie Guigueno
2008 - Lori Parker and Celia Chui
2007 - Justin Rasmussen and Megan Sellick
2006 - Jennifer Foote and Sarah Jamieson
James L. Baillie (up to 2023; now the Avian Conservation Award)
2023 - Alyssa Eby
2022 -Andrew Thomas Beauchamp
2021 - Elora Rohani Maraj Grahame
2020 - Matthew Fuirst
2019 - Libby Natola
2018 - Alex Sutton
2017 - Shannon Whelan
2016 - Haley Kenyon
2015 - Anjolene Hunt
2014 - Jesse Pakkala
2013 - Adrianna Bruni
2012 - Stephanie LaZerte
2011 - Kira Delmore
2010 - Kyle Elliott
2009 - David Swan
2008 - Robert DeCaire
2007 - Heather Major
2006 - Neil Goodenough
Fred Cooke Award
2024 - Rebecca Jardine
2023 - Karen Ong
2022 - Brandon Edwards
2021 - Don-Jean Léandri-Breton
2020 - Alyssa Eby
2019 - Evelein de Greef
2018 - Samantha Krause
2017 - Leanne Grieves
2016 - Alana Demko
2015 - Sarah Gutowsky
2014 - Jean-Nicolas Audet
2013 - Laure Cauchard
2012 - Vanya Rohwer
2011 - Raphael Lavoie
2010 - Marie Burle
2009 - Calandra Stanley
2008 - Roslyn Dakin
2007 - Nicole Barker
2006 - Stephanie Topp
Student Discovery Award
2024 - Connor Acorn
2023 - Rebecca Jardine