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Image by Nitish Meena
Early Career Researcher Award

The Early Career Researcher Award honours fledgling ornithologists - in academia, industry, non-government or government agencies – that show strong potential for future leadership in Canadian ornithology. The award will be presented to the recipient at the Society’s annual meeting where they will be invited to give a 30 minute keynote address, and travel to the meeting will be subsidized.  The recipient will also be asked to provide a synopsis of their work to appear as a multi-page colour feature in the Society’s Picoides newsletter.


Candidates can be nominated by themselves, former/current supervisors, colleagues and/or peers. A nomination letter should include a short statement (max 1000 words) describing the nominee’s accomplishments in the following three areas: academic accomplishments, service contributions, and leadership. If self-nominating, a reference letter from a former supervisor is recommended.   The candidates CV should also be submitted with the application package. To be eligible, the candidate must have received their PhD from or currently working at a Canadian institution. The researcher should have obtained her or his PhD no more than five years prior to the SCO-SOC meeting where the award is to be given (July 2019). Periods where the researcher has not been active due to parental or personal leave would be excluded from the five years.  Deadline for submission of nominations is 31 January 2025. Nominations should be sent, by email, to:


Danielle Ethier, Chair, Chair – Early Career Research Award Committee

E-mail: Danielle Ethier

Past Recipients

Click on highlighted names for citations from Picoides in the year the recipient was presented the Early Career Research Award


2024 - Matthew Fuirst

2023 - Leanne Greives

2023 - Emily Choy

2022 - Lisha Berzins

2021 - Ryan Germain

2021 - Mariana Villegas (Special ERCA recipient)

2020 - Barbara Frei

2019 - Elizabeth Gow

2018 - Mélanie Guigueno

2017 - Stefanie LaZerte

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